Cast & Crew
Luzie: Annette Schäfer
Elke (Cinematographer): Vanessa Aab
Annika (Actress): Mirka Pigulla
Verena (friend in metro): Verena Weiler
Music: Christian Dellacher
Story, Direction, Photography, Editing:Tobias Schmücking
a film by Tobias Schmücking
Single 8 mm, 18 Minutes
experimental / narrative / essay film
Germany 2015
synopsis / description
Filmmaker LUZIE (Annette Schäfer) has a strange dream that makes her wake up with the feeling of having found an incredible story. But - like it lies in the nature of those dreams - she soon discovers that the story does not make sense at all. With a feeling of frustration (and later on curiousity) she investigates the phenomenon why that dream has lost its meaning and power when she woke up. She starts to produce a short film based on two images from her dream. While working on her film she keeps reflecting on her particular dream. More and more she is convinced there must be something missing. Something she does not remember. A lost element that would bring back the full meaning of that dream - if only she could find it. After having shot her film - and still feeling something is missing - she finds a clue where to find that missing element from her dream. ...
on the handmade aspect of the film
"Nach einem Traum" was shot on Single 8mm, mainly Fujichrome RT 200 N that was very often pushed 2 steps (200 ASA > 800). This enabled me to shoot with available light or with affordable lighting. (The nature of the film´s topic is nocturnal - therefore I was looking for dark locations.)
With a few exceptions* I had completely hand-processed the film in my own kitchen-laboratory. This handprocessing left its mark on the film: scratches, dots, mistakes and light **... and a very grainy look in those scenes that were pushed two stops. I used those marks wherever it made sense with the editing - and luckily there are many shots and scenes where this element of chance fit in perfectly. So the structure of the film reflects not only the topic of the film but shows: this film was worked on!